Monday, May 18, 2015

Task #5 Memoir

Task #4 Memoir

Task #3 Memoir

Task #2 Memoir

Disappointments: None
Accomplishments: 8 gold medals in total, (athletics and soccer) 3 silver medals (in athletics)
Conflicts: Most of  my conflicts have been with my family, dad, mom and siblings.

Fears: Arachnofobia

Luck: Won a billiards against my dad, he potted the 8 ball. He wants the rematch. 

Enemies: Mateo Perez, he is a very bad person, he has been a witness of how I have gained so much, he is envy of how I have grown as a person, now he hates me.

Gratitude: To my health, and my dad's effort to maintain me at this school and all of my needs, he has always been there for me.

Jealousy: Im very jealous, with everything, every little action and detail can change my actitude in seconds.

Accomplishments Paragraph: All my life I have been supported by my parents at the accomplishment at sportmanship, they always cared of my training, and equipment. Im very glad that they cared because without them I couldn't be the person I am today. Thanks to them and my effort, I can dominate the sport and be good at it. Sometimes, all you need is and inspiration and an inside voice to accomplish all your goals.

Task #1 Memoir

My life is not quite lucky, I've got a lot of problems. My parent's divorce has been very difficult for my brother and I. My sport-life is very good, I participate in a lot of tournaments and competitions at school.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Memories in ABC's

Architect dream: I contributed in a construction of my grandpa's building
Bass: My first time playing and my first concert
Chimborazo: My first climbing
DT: My first soccer direction
Eruption: Saw how Tungurahua exploded in BaƱos

French: I went to Canada and learned how to speak french
Grinch: My first nightmare when I was 6
Homeland: My favorite TV-Series at the moment
Island Break: Best contribution to a game I have tried

Jinx!: My favorite game to play with friends
Kit-Kat: Best chocolate and my first addiction
Laughter: spending time with my friends

Music: Time to hang out with friends and have a good time
No-Scope: My most overused word in my life
PS3: My first gaming console

Quito: The city in which all my adventures are born
Road trip to Costa Rica (1 year)
Soccer: Been playing for all my life

Toronto: When I went to Canada for the first time
Umbro: I remember my first pair of soccer shoeas

Vendetta: Not even once
Witchcraft: Read a book about it

X-Factor: I like watching it, is kinda funny
Yearbook: trip to Canada and Miami
Zuleta: First biking tournament

Monday, November 24, 2014

"The Giver" Chapters 1-14 Brief:

Jonas rejects frightened as too strong a word, remembering when he had really been frightened, a year ago, an plane flew over his community it was a strange event, since pilots were not allowed to fly over the community, when Jonas explains his doubt about the coming Ceremony of Twelve the time when he will be assigned a career and begin life as an adult. Every December, all of the children in the community are promoted to the next age group all four-year-old children become Fives, regardless of the time of year when they were actually born, Jonas is surprised that his father would break any kind of rule, though the members of the community seem to bend rules once in a while. Jonas parents reassure him that the Committee of Elders, (Ruling group of the community) will choose a career for him that will suit him, then when Jonas expresses concern about Asher, he does not have any serious interests, his parents remind him that after twelve, he might lose touch with many of his childhood friends, since he will be spending his time with a new group, training for his "job". 

Then in chapter three, Lily remarks that Gabriel has funny eyes like Jonas both boys have light eyes, while most people in the community have darker eyes. Lily also says she hopes she will be assigned to be a Birthmother when she grows up, since she likes new children so much, but her mother tells her that the position of Birthmother carries very little honor, since Birthmothers are pampered for three years while they produce children, but then do hard labor and never get to see their biological children. Also, Jonas thinks about the Speakers who make announcements to the community over the loudspeakers all day, including reprimands to rule-breakers. In Chapter 4, Jonas meets Asher so that they can do their mandatory volunteer hours together. Jonas enjoys volunteer hours because they are less organized than other hours of his day he gets to choose where he spends them. The old woman, Larissa, describes the release as a wonderful celebration the mans life story was narrated, he was toasted by the other residents of the House of the Old, he made a farewell speech, and then walked blissfully through a special door to be released. In Chapter 5 Just as the family practices a telling of feelings at night, they tell their dreams in the morning, Jonas usually does not have a dream to tell, but this morning he has an interesting one, he dreamed that he was in the bathing room at the House of the Old, trying to convince his friend Fiona to take off her clothes and allow him to give her a bath. She gives him a small pill as treatment and reminds him to take his pill every morning.

In chapter 6, there's a newborn child named Caleb, The Community gave the baby to the family because of a previous loss of a child. If a citizen feels that he or she does not fit in with The Community, that citizen can apply for a release and disappear, but Jonas cannot imagine a person feeling that he or she did not fit in, because the community is so well ordered.The Committee of Elders weighs each decision carefully, painstakingly matching adults who applied for spouses to the appropriate spouse and placing new children with the appropriate families. Just before the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas and the other Elevens line up by number, The Chief Elder, the elected leader of the community, gives a speech before the Ceremony, Jonas watches and listens as his classmates receive their Assignments. His friend Asher is assigned the position of Assistant Director of Recreation, but when Jonas’s turn comes, the Chief Elder skips over him, moving from Eighteen to Twenty without acknowledging him. At the end of the Ceremony, the Chief Elder apologizes for causing the audience and Jonas some panic. She tells him that he has been selected for a very special position, that of Receiver of Memory. 
When chapter 9 arrives, Jonas gets his rules, there are rules for all assignments, but because of Jonas assignment wasn't really and assignment (Selection), he had some special twists on it and was allowed to do thinks that they were illegal before, like lying. He starts thinking if someone elses rule on the assignment was that they were able to lie, he can't sleep thinking of that and wonders what could be the pain of the Memories of the selection. Jonas can't talk about the selection with any of the Community, neuther with his parents. In chapter 10 Jonas meets the current reciever, he is impressed because of the reciever's facial characteristics and qualities, the reciever was very old. The reciever tells Jonas to take his tunic off and lay down so that he could transmit the memory of snow and sledding. The reciever also transmits the memory of sunshine and sunburn. At the end, Jonas asks the reciever how should he call him, the reciever responds, "Giver, call me The Giver"